PamGaunt InStudio

Pamela Gaunt is an artist with a practice spanning more than thirty years. She has a Research Masters Degree in Art History Theory from COFA, UNSW and has received several significant grants from national and state funding bodies including: 2001 ARTSWA Creative Development Fellowship; and 1997 Australia Council Milan Studio Residency, Italy.

Until 2014, she held a fractional senior lecturer position in the School of Design; Art, Curtin University, Perth and was Director International for the School between 2012–14. She is currently working part time with Culture and the Arts, Department of Local Government, Sport, Cultural Industries (DLGSC).

Pamela exhibits nationally and internationally and was represented by Galerie Düsseldorf in Perth, until its recent closure. She has published three monographs on her art practice, and a book: The Decorative in Twentieth Century Art: A Story of Decline and Resurgence, Gaunt P., (VDM Publishing, Germany) 2010.

The main underpinning to Pamela’s art practice stems from a longstanding interest in aesthetics, with a focus on: the ornamental in Art, Design; Architecture; materiality; and sensorial (affective) approaches to art. She is interested in exploring the spaces between Art, Design and Architecture and has peripheral interests in aspects of science, technology and sustainable/environmental issues. This can be exemplified in projects she has completed that explore new approaches to incorporating electro-chromic and solar responsiveness in artwork. Pamela also enjoys working with industry collaborators using existing materials and processes to achieve new approaches to materiality and form.

Through various art commissions over the past decade, Pamela has become interested in incorporating illumination into her work. The current series of prototypes produced between 2016-17 reflect this interest, on a small scale, but have large-scale application potential.

2006MA (Art History and Theory), School of Art History Theory, COFA, UNSW
1989 Graduate Diploma in Art and Design, Curtin University
1982 BA (Art – Textiles Major) Western Australian Institute of Technology (now Curtin University)

2013 DCA Arts Development Grant $22,000
2008 DCA Arts Development Grant $16,500
2005 Australia Council, Visual Art & Strategy Grant $20,000
2001 ARTSWA Creative Development Fellowship $30,000
1999 ArtsWA Artflight grant
1998ArtsWA Artflight grant
1997Australia Council Milan Studio Residency, Italy $10,000
1996VA/CB of the Australia Council Project Grant $12,500
1995 W.A. Dept. for the Arts, Creative Development Grant $7,500

2008Errant Abstractions, Galerie Düsseldorf, Perth
2003Floribunda, Galerie Düsseldorf, Perth
1999 New Works, Galerie Düsseldorf, Perth
1999 Moth-Eaten, Object Gallery, Sydney
1998 Nothing To Wear, Distelfink Gallery, Melbourne
1998 Patterning The Edge, Craft Victoria, Melbourne
1996 Marginalia, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts
1994 One Size Fits Most, The Story So Far Gallery, Perth
1984 Body Works, Australian Craftworks Gallery, Sydney

2018Cantle Street Studio Renovation and the inclusion of integrated artworks.
2018Private Commission – Merriwa Street, Nedlands, WA.
2017Private Commission – Bellevue Terrace Fremantle, WA.
2017–18Artwork for the Japanese School relocation with Gresley Abas Architects. Client: WA Department of Education (in progress).
2015–16Artwork for Elizabeth Quay Kiosk with Iredale, Pedersen, Hook Architects. Client: MRA.
2013 Artwork for PTA (Public Transport Authority) and Kenwick Station Upgrade, with Armstrong Parkin Architects.
2011–13Artwork for Oxford Youth Foyer with GHD Architects.
2012Private Commission – artwork for Jarrett residence with Iredale Pedersen Hook (IPH) architects.
2012Private Commission – artwork for Jonathon Lake Residence, Jonathon lake Architects.
2010–12Artwork for Kings Park Rio Tinto Naturescape, community shelter, BGPA and PlanE architects.
2009–12Artwork for Kings Park Education Building Rio Tinto Naturescape (BGPA) as part of Solar Cities with Donaldson & Warn architects.
2009-10Foundation Housing Midland, Jonathon Lake Architects.
2008-09Artwork for Christchurch Grammar School principle’s residence, with Donaldson & Warn architects.
2008-09Artwork for Perth College extension with Donaldson & Warn architects.
2007-09Artwork for A.K.Reserve Site Works, Department of Sport & Recreation.
2005-08Artwork for Homeswest, West Perth, in collaboration with Marco Marcon, with Donaldson & Warn architects (building unrealised).
2005-06Artwork for Homeswest, Subi Centro, with Sharp & van Rhyn Architects.
2003-04Artwork for the WA Ecology Centre, Bold Park, Perth with Donaldson & Warn Architects, and the Botanical Gardens and Parks Authority (BGPA) clients.
2003 Private commission for Lynne Hughes and Dr Graham Raad’s residence in Peppermint Grove.
1996 Perth City Council, banner for Local Government Week.
1995 Red Cross in conjunction with the W.A. Crafts Council, Banner for the Festival of Perth.
1994/5 Co-supervision (with Annette Seeman) of undergraduate student Karen Hong for a series of banners designs commissioned by MGT Architects for clients SAFTI Military Institute, Singapore.

2013 LP : The Times They Are a ‘Changin', Gallery Dusseldorf.
2011 Staffroom, Moores Contemporary Art Space, Fremantle.
2008 Linden 1968, Linden Contemporary Art Space, Melbourne.
2007 [ex]Changing Traditions, Kyoto Art Centre, Japan
2006 Galerie Düsseldorf Thirty Years On, Galerie Düsseldorf, Mosman Park.
2006 Staffroom, Moores Building Contemporary Art Space, Fremantle.
2006 (ex)changing Traditions, Southern Project Space, Melville.
2006 Melbourne Art Fair, with Galerie Dusseldorf
2005 Signpost to a New Place, Harrogate, England
2004 Shelflife, Festival of Perth, Galerie Düsseldorf, Perth.
2003 Contemporary International Textiles, Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast.
2003 Tali Ikat, Fiber Connections, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
2003 Connection Visual II: An Exhibition of Western Australian Contemporary Fine Art, Shanghai and Hangzhou, China.
2002 Divergence, Art Gallery Chiang Mai University and The Grand Hall, Siam Discovery Centre, Bangkok, Thailand.
2001 Lace: New Perspectives, Craftwest Gallery, Perth. Then toured around Australian regional galleries for two years with Art on the Move.
2001 Second Look, Prospect Gallery Textiles Biennial, Prospect Gallery, Adelaide.
2001 Web Warp Weft Woof, Manningham Regional Gallery, Victoria.
2001 Chinese Whispers, The Study Gallery, Dorset, England.
2001 Our Hands, Nagoya, Japan.
2000 Australian Miniature Textiles, Gallery-Gallery, Kyoto, Japan.
2000 12th International Biennale of Miniature Textiles, Szombathely Museum, Hungary.
1999 Material Narratives, Jam Factory, Adelaide.
1997 5th International Textiles Biennale, Museum of Kyoto, Japan.
1997 Derivations, The Dowse Art Museum, New Zealand
1997 Galerie Düsseldorf - 21 Years On, Galerie Düsseldorf, Perth.
1996 Derivations, Craft Council gallery of ACT, Canberra
1996 Folding, Arts House, Perth
1996 12th Tamworth Fibre/Textiles Biennial Tamworth City Gallery, NSW.
1995 Sampler Art, Mobilia Gallery, Mass. USA
1995 Symbol And Narrative, travelling exhibition to India, Nepal, Thailand.
1995 Women's Work, Erica Underwood Gallery, Curtin University
1995 Beads, Craft Council Gallery, Perth.
1994 10th International Biennale Miniature Textiles, Szombathely Museum, Hungary.
1994 City Of Perth Craft Awards, Craft Council Gallery, Perth.
1994 Textile Arts and Industry Australia-Japan Exchange Project
1994 In Our Hands, Nagoya, Japan.
1993 Craft Council of Australia - Invited to show work at the opening celebration of the new premises, Sydney.
1991 Praxis/Textiles, Craft Council Gallery, Perth.
1991 Threads of Journeys, DFAT funded, High Court of Australia, Canberra and travelled to twenty four countries.
1991 Australian Contemporary Design In Jewish Ceremony Jewish Museum of Australia, Melbourne.
1988 The Second Skin, Beaver Galleries, Canberra
1988 The Meat Market Invitation Show, Meat Market Gallery, Melbourne.
1987 Challenges, Craft Council Gallery, Perth
1987  Featured Artist, Beaver Galleries, Canberra.
1986 America's Cup Cups, Galerie Düsseldorf, Perth.
1985 Factotum Gallery, Melbourne
1985 Ararat Second Biennale, Ararat Regional Gallery Ararat, Victoria.
1985 Diamond Valley Art Award Diamond Valley Civic Centre, Victoria.
1985 The Christmas Show, Galerie Düsseldorf, Perth.
1985 Tutors, Craft Council of WA, Perth.
1984 Festival Craft 1984, Craft Council Gallery, Perth
1984 Body Rap, Art Gallery of W.A., Perth
1984 The Second Skin, Beaver Galleries, Canberra
1984 The New Wave, Editions Gallery, Fremantle.
1984 The Christmas Show, Galerie Dusseldorf, Perth.
1981 Channel Seven Young Artists Awards, Art Gallery of WA, Perth.

City of Perth Collection
Museum Fur Kunsthandwerk, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Art Gallery of Western Australia
Sir James and Lady Cruthers Collection
Jewish Museum of Australia.
Crafts Board of the Australia Council
Curtin University of Technology
Ararat Regional Gallery, Victoria
Perth College Collection
Several national and international private collections.

2008 Pam Gaunt – Selected Works, 2005-2008, texts by R. Read and A. Seeman, (Perth: Published by Pam Gaunt, 2008).
2004 Pam Gaunt – Selected Works, 1997-2004, texts by J. Stringer and P. Gaunt (Perth: Published by Pam Gaunt, 2004).
1997 Pam Gaunt – Selected Works, 1989-1996, texts by R. Bell and M. Marcon (Perth: Published by Pam Gaunt, 1997).

The Decorative in Twentieth Century Art: A Story of Decline and Resurgence, Gaunt P., (VDM Publishing, Germany) 2010 (in print).

2004 “The (E)Merging of the Decorative in Contemporary Art”, The Space- Between post- conference publication
1997 Pamela Gaunt’s Studio Residency”, Object, no. 4 (1997) 13–15.
1993 “From Delhi to Desert”, article in two parts, Textiles Fibre Forum, Vol. 12, Issues 2 & 3, Nos. 37 and 38, 1993.

State Design Review Panel (SDRP) 2019–2021
DCA Peer Assessment Panel – Visual Arts (until 2016)
ArtsWA Fashion Designer Peer Assessment Panel 2004-2011
Member Perth Institute of Contemporary Art
Member Artsource

1995-99 Board member Indian Ocean Cultural Council
1990-93 Board member Artists Regional Exchange (ARX)

2007 Curtin University TLFP Grant with Anne Farren
2004 Curtin University Seeding Grant with Annette Seeman
2002ASL – to progress my MA (Art Theory) and relocate to Sydney for a semester to engage in the School of Art History Theory, COFA, UNSW postgraduate program.
1999 Curtin University Innovative Teaching Practice Award, with Annette Seeman, Moira Doropoulos and Gina Cinanni –“Developing a collaborative and productive learning environment: A Team Approach.” Fibre/Textiles Studio, Department of Art.1998 Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence
1994 Curtin New Researchers Grant Scheme ($5,600).
1993 Curtin New Researchers Grant Scheme ($4,800) with Annette Seeman.
1992 OSP – Travel to NW India
1989 Higher Education Contribution Scheme Scholarship to complete Postgraduate Diploma in Art

2012 WA Quilters Association judging for 2012 exhibition
2012–13Judging NICHE project for the Oxford Youth Foyer
2008 Fremantle Arts Centre Print Award
2003 Curtin University Student Cross-Cultural Writing Competition
2003–04DIDO Fellowship ($10,000)
2001 Judging panel for the Comuune di Suveretto, Italy, National Student Award
1991–96Ansett/ACROD Art Competition
1991 Curtin/Alumni Visa Card Competition

2005 Sign Post to a New Space: Concept, Collection and Collation, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England. Invited to present a conference paper at this international event and invited to show work in a corresponding exhibition, November 2005.
2004 The Space-Between, Perth. Presented conference paper, “The (E)Merging of the Decorative in Contemporary Art”,
1991 Modernism & Postmodernism in Asian Art, Canberra
1984 FIBRE Conference, Canberra
1987 1st National Papermaking Conference, Hobart.

2005 Floor-talk to ‘The Collectors Group’, Shelf-life, exhibition, Galerie Düsseldorf, Perth.
2004 Guest speaker to open Eclipse, the Presbyterian Ladies College Student Art Exhibition and Fashion Show, featuring Years 7-12.
2002 Public floor-talk to coincide with the opening of the, International Textiles Biennale, Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast.
2002 College of Fine Art, UNSW, lecture to undergraduate students.
2001 Public lecture on my practice and floor talk on the work in the exhibition, to coincide with the opening of Lace: Contemporary Perspectives, Craftwest, Perth.
1999 Floor-talk at Object Gallery, Sydney
1998 Public lecture on my practice, Textile Network Lecture Series, College of Fine Art, UNSW.
1997 Lecture on my practice to the WA Art Gallery Guides.
1995 “Australian Contemporary Textiles”, Indira Ghandi National Centre for the Arts (IGNACA), New Delhi, India.
1995 “Australian Contemporary Textiles”, public lecture at JJK, Jaipur, India.
1994  Lecture on my practice to Year 12 students, Year Twelve Seminar Day, Art Gallery of WA.
1994  Lecture on “Art & Industry” as part of MAMBO: Art Irritates Life public program, Art Gallery of WA.
1993“Re(th)reading the Needle”, lecture to BA (Art) students, ECU.
1992 “Australian Textile Artists”, Indira Ghandi National Centre for the Arts (IGNACA), New Delhi, India.
1992 “Australian Contemporary Textile Artists”, National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad, India.
1992“Australian Contemporary Textile Artists”, National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), New Delhi, India.
1992 “Australian Contemporary Textile Artists”, School of Art & Design, Institut Teknologi Mara (ITM) Shah Alam, Malaysia.

Kettle A., and McKeating J., Machine Stitch Perspectives, (A&C Black Publishers, England) 2010.
Vickers K., ‘Art and the Architect’, INSITE magazine, (Ed. 23, Summer 2009-10) pgs. 183 &196.
Spenser, R., ‘Decorative Now Clear Cut’, The West Australian Today, Friday, August 15th, 2008, p. 7.
Spenser, R., ‘Errant Abstractions’, Artlink, Vol. 28/No.4, 2008, p.95.
Neille S., “Bush Pragmatism”, (A review of the WAEC), Monument, No 67, (2005): 96-99.
Spenser R., The West Australian – Weekend extra, Saturday, 5th March 2005.
ABC Television Sunday Arts programme, WA Ecology Centre review, 1st August 2004.
“Botanical Research makes a Bold Artistic Statement’”, UWA News, 28th June 2004, (no author noted).
“New Ecology Centre”, Western Suburbs Weekly, August 24th, 2004, (no author noted).
English A., “Artnotes”, Art Monthly Australia, June, 2003, 42.
Nicholls A., “Flower Power”, Australian Art Review, Issue 02, July-October 2003, 69-70.
Bromfield, D., ‘Placing Lace’, Object, No 2., 2001, p. 61.
Cook Dr R., “New Works”, Object Magazine, no 2, 2000.
Schilo, Dr A., “New Works: Pam Gaunt”, Eyeline Magazine, no 52, 2000.
Gelbart, M.L., Radio Review, ABC, Radio National Arts Program, Sunday 19th July, 1999.
Gelbart, M.L., Radio Review, ABC, Radio National Arts Program, Sunday 15th March, 1999.
Miller, N., ‘West Australian - Art Circuit,’ January 17th, 1996.
Bromfield, D., West Australian Newspaper, Oct 3rd, 1992.
Marcon, M., “Praxis/Textiles'” Craft West, Summer, 1992.
Marcon, M., Marginalia, catalogue essay, 1997.
Kawashima, Keiko. Japanese Textile Magazine, Kyoto, Japan, no. 188 (November) 1996.

2019–20 Project and Investment Officer, Culture and the Arts, Department of Local Government, Sport, Cultural Industries (DLGSC).
2019 Research Officer, Culture and the Arts, Department of Local Government, Sport, Cultural Industries (DLGSC).
2018 Policy Officer, Part-time, Department of Local Government, Sport, Creative Industries (DLGSC), Infrastructure, and the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC), six month contract until September 2018.
2014–16Policy Officer Public Art (0.5), Department of Culture and the Arts (DCA).
2014–17External Examiner LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore.
2014–16Policy Officer Public Art (0.5), Department of Culture and the Arts (DCA).
2012–14Director International, School of Design and Art (SODA),Curtin University, Perth, Australia (0.6 fractional position).
2004–14Senior Lecturer, School of Design and Art (SODA), Curtin University, Perth, Australia (0.6 fractional position).
1989–04Lecturer, School of Design and Art (SODA), Curtin University, Perth, Australia (0.6 fractional position).
1989–90First Year Coordinator/Lecturer and Coordinator Overseas Students, Department of Visual Art. Curtin University.
1987–88 First Year Coordinator, School of Visual Art, Curtin University. Lecturer, Fibre/Textiles Department, Department of Visual Art, Curtin University.
1985–86Coordinator Foundation Year Craft, School of Art & Design, WAIT.Lecturer Fibre/Textiles Department, School of Art & Design, WAIT.
1984–85Senior Tutor/Coordinator Fibre/Textiles Course, School of Art & Design, Western Australian Institute of Technology (WAIT).Part-time lecturer in Fashion Design, Fashion Department, Bentley Technical College.
1983–84Coordinator Foundation Year Craft, Tutor in Basic Design Studies, School of Art & Design, WAIT.



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